Press Releases

Press releases

Here you will find Campari Group’s most up-to-date press releases and other regulated information as well as historical documents

  • Financial Press Releases
    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces first quarter 2024 results

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the completion of the acquisition of Courvoisier cognac

    Press Release


    Annual General Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release


    Admission to trading of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. Euro 550,000,000 2.375% senior unsecured convertible bonds due 2029

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2023 full year results

    Press Release


    Change in share capital and voting rights of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the successful private placement of new shares and the successful private placement of senior unsecured convertible bonds

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the launch of a private placement of new shares and a private placement of senior unsecured convertible bonds due 2029

    Press Release


    Campari Group has entered into exclusive negotiations with Beam Suntory to acquire Courvoisier

    Press Release


    Campari And Wuliangye Sign A Memorandum Of Understanding On Strategic Cooperation

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari Group announces 2023 first nine months results

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces that Bob Kunze-Concewitz has decided to retire as CEO effective as of April 2024

    Press Release


    Campari Group clinched top place in the 2023 Institutional Investor rankings

    Press Release


    Change in share capital and voting rights of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release


    Financial Calendar 2024

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari Group announces 2023 first half results

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano N.V. successfully placed €300 million unrated 7-year bond issue with fixed rate reserved for institutional investors

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces a new sustainability-linked term facility of €400 million and a revolving facility of the same amount

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces first quarter 2023 results

    Press Release


    Annual General Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2022 full year results

    Press Release


    Successful completion of the acquisition of 70% of Wilderness Trail Distillery with USD420 million bank term loan financing

    Press Release


    Campari group and Moët Hennessy acquire, through their 50-50 joint venture, the remainder of Tannico's share capital, hereby reaching 100% ownership

    Press Release


    Campari Group acquires an initial 70% stake in Wilderness Trail Distillery

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari Group announces 2022 first nine months results

    Press Release


    Campari Group acquires minority stake in Howler Head with global distribution rights

    Press Release


    Financial Calendar 2023

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari Group announces 2022 first half results

    Press Release


    Campari Group launches its second share buyback programme linked to sustainability initiatives

    Press Release


    Campari Group acquires Picon, a leading bitter aperitif brand in France

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces first quarter 2022 results

    Press Release


    Annual General Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release


    Buyback programme to serve Campari Group’s long-term share based incentives

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2021 full year results

    Press Release


    Excellent result of newly launched Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) reaching 51.6% participation rate

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari announces 2021 nine months results

    Press Release


    Financial Calendar 2022

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari Group announces 2021 first half results

    Press Release


    Moët Hennessy and Campari Group to partner in a 50/50 joint venture to create a premium pan-European Wines & Spirits e-commerce player through Tannico

    Press Release


    Share buyback programme to service stock option plans. Commitment to sustainability: Amounts deriving from reward mechanism to be allocated to a renewable electricity project

    Press Release


    Sale of Campari shares by certain employees, following the simultaneous exercise of stock options, via a block trade transaction

    Press Release


    Campari announces its commitment to underwrite up to 100% of Tannico’s proposed capital increase to fund its majority acquisition of

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces 2021 first quarter results

    Press Release


    Annual General Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release


    Publication of the documentation for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    Press Release


    Notice of shareholders' meeting

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2020 full year results

    Press Release


    Unrated 7-year bond due 2027

    Press Release


    Malware attack: Data security update

    Press Release


    Completion of the capital reduction

    Press Release


    Malware attack: update on IT systems recovery

    Press Release


    Malware attack: update on IT systems recovery

    Press Release


    Malware attack: data security update

    Press Release


    Temporary IT outage

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari Group announces 2020 nine months results

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano N.V. successfully placed €550 million unrated bond issue on the Euro market

    Press Release


    Financial Calendar 2021

    Press Release


    Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano N.V.

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Publication of the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    Press Release


    Communication regarding the change in share capital and voting rights

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari Group announces 2020 first half results

    Press Release


    First board of directors’ meeting after redomiciliation becoming effective

    Press Release


    Completion of the Transaction and Information on the Initial Procedures ...

    Press Release


    Transfer of Legal Office: Expected execution and settlement dates and new ISIN code

    Press Release


    Avviso finanziario - Revoca della convocazione dell’Assemblea straordinaria del 26 giugno 2020 (available only in Italian)

    Press Release


    Notice to revoke the Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting convened for 26 June 2020

    Press Release


    Transfer of Legal Office: Results of the exercise of the option and pre-emption rights’ offer

    Press Release


    Lagfin purchases 30 million Campari withdrawn shares in the Initial Offer

    Press Release


    Transfer of Legal Office: Lagfin announces the results of the Transaction

    Press Release


    Press releases

    Press Release


    Campari Group acquires a 49% interest in Tannico, the leading e-commerce platform for wines and premium spirits in Italy

    Press Release


    Clarifications on certain rumour concerning Campari’s redomiciliation to The Netherlands

    Press Release


    Notice of extraordinary shareholders’ meeting 26 June 2020

    Press Release


    Notice of rights’ offer pursuant to Article 2437-quater, paragraph 2, of the Italian Civil Code

    Press Release


    Registered office transfer: results of the exercise of the withdrawal rights 145.8 KB Share/Save

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces 2020 first quarter results

    Press Release


    Campari Group enters into exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of Champagne Lallier

    Press Release


    Documentation deposit notification

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces a new term debt facility for an amount up to €750 million

    Press Release


    Avviso finanziario - Diritto di recesso (available only in Italian)

    Press Release


    Registration and publication of the minutes of shareholders’ meeting - withdrawal right

    Press Release


    Avviso finanziario - Assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria di Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. (available only in Italian)

    Press Release


    Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Details regarding attendance to the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting convened on 27 march 2020 update

    Press Release


    Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. convened on 27 March 2020 - Questions and Answers

    Press Release


    Details regarding attendance to the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A convened on 27 March 2020

    Press Release


    Clarification notice on the acceptable withdrawal amount

    Press Release


    Campari takes action to prevent opportunistic behaviours in relation to the proposed registered office transfer

    Press Release


    Documentation deposit notification

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the successful completion of the acquisition of Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Distribution S.A.S

    Press Release


    Campari Group annonce la finalisation de l'acquisition de Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Distribution S.A.S

    Press Release


    Documentation deposit notification

    Press Release


    Buyback program to serve the stock option plan

    Press Release


    Notice of shareholders' meeting

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the transfer of registered office of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A to the Netherlands

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2019 full year results

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the signing of the agreement for the acquisition of Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Distribution S.A.S., following the successful conclusion of the announced negotiations

    Press Release


    Campari Group annonce la signature de l'accord pour l'acquisition de Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Distribution S.A.S., suite à la conclusion positive des négociations annoncées

    Press Release


    Resignation of member of Board of Statutory Auditors - Clarification

    Press Release


    Resignation of member of Board of Statutory Auditors

    Press Release


    Campari Group est entré en négociations exclusives pour acquérir son distributeur en France, la société Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Distribution S.A.S.

    Press Release


    Campari Group enters into exclusive negotiations to acquire its French distributor Baron Philippe de Rothschild France Distribution S.A.S.

    Press Release


    Finalisation de la vente de la 'Villa Les Cèdres'

    Press Release


    Sale of ‘Villa Les Cèdres’ completed

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari Group announces 2019 nine months results

    Press Release


    Campari Group acquires a controlling interest in the Ancho Reyes and Montelobos super premium brands

    Press Release


    Campari Group announces the signing of the agreement for the acquisition of French rums Trois Rivières and La Mauny

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2020

    Press Release


    Campari Group conclut un accord pour la vente de la Villa « Les Cèdres »

    Press Release


    Campari Group has reached an agreement to sell Villa ‘Les Cèdres’

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari Group announces 2019 first half results

    Press Release


    Campari Group enters into exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of French rhums Trois Rivières and La Mauny

    Press Release


    Sales of Campari shares by certain employees via block trade

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces 2019 first quarter results

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. successfully placed €150 million unrated 5-year bond issue with fixed rate reserved for institutional investors

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Notice of ordinary Shareholders’ meeting 16 April 2019

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2018 Full Year results

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2019 - Supplement information

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2019

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari Group announces 2018 nine months results

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari Group announces 2018 first half results

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari Group announces 2018 first quarter results

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Notice of ordinary Shareholders' meeting and filing of the related documentation

    Press Release


    Call of ordinary Shareholders’ meeting 23 April 2018

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2017 full year results

    Press Release


    Campari Group acquires Bisquit Cognac

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari‐Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2018

    Press Release


    Call of ordinary shareholders’ meeting 19 December 2017

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2017 nine months results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari sells the Lemonsoda business for € 80.0 million to Royal Unibrew A/S

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2017 first half results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari sells Carolans and Irish Mist brands for USD 165.0 million to Heaven Hill Brands

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari cède le domaine du Château de Sancerre pour € 20,5 million

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari sells the Château de Sancerre winery for € 20.5 million

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2017 first quarter results

    Press Release


    8 May 2017-Notification on amendments to the articles of association and on the total amount of voting rights

    Press Release


    Stock Split of Davide Campari Milano S.p.A. ordinary shares

    Press Release


    Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari‐Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Successful outcome of the Tender Offer and overall amount of the new unrated bond issues raised to € 200 million

    Press Release


    Davide Campari‐Milano S.p.A. successfully placed two series of fixed rate notes

    Press Release


    Call of extraordinary and ordinary shareholders’ meeting 28 April 2017

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2016 Full Year results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari acquires super premium BULLDOG Gin for USD 58.4 million (€ 54.1 million)

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari sells the Chilean Lapostolle winery for € 30.0 million confirming its commitment to fully exit the still wine business

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari sells the Italian wineries Sella & Mosca and Teruzzi & Puthod

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari News Release

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2017

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2016 nine months results

    Press Release


    Successful completion of liability management transactions

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2016 first half results

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. to implement a squeeze out procedure on the shares of SPML. SPML to be delisted from Euronext Paris as of 14 July 2016

    Press Release


    Publication of the updated Articles of Association

    Press Release


    Announcement of the results of the friendly tender offer launched by Davide Campari‐Milano S.p.A. on the shares of SPML

    Press Release


    Ouverture de l’offre publique d’achat amicale initiée par Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. et visant les titres SPML

    Press Release


    Opening of the friendly Tender Offer initiated by Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. on the shares of SPML

    Press Release


    Press Release - Publication of the offer document for the shares of SPML

    Press Release


    Communiqué - Mise a disposition de la note d'information visant les actions de SPML

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2016 first quarter results

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari‐Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Publication of the lists of candidates for the office of statutory auditor and director of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Notice convening the ordinary shareholders' meeting and filing of the related documentation

    Press Release


    Communiqué - Depot d’un projet d’Offre Publique d’Achat visant les actions de la SPML

    Press Release


    Press Release - Filing of a Tender Offer in cash for the shares of SPML

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari annonce le lancement d’une Offre Publique d’Achat amicale sur SPML

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari to launch a friendly takeover offer for SPML

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2015 Full Year results

    Press Release


    Sale of another non-core business in Italy

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2015 nine months results

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2016

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. successfully placed € 600 million unrated bond issue on the Euro market

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2015 First half results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari sells the Italian winery Enrico Serafino to Krause Holdings, Inc.

    Press Release


    Publication of the minutes of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of April 30, 2015 and the updated Articles of Association

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2015 first quarter results

    Press Release


    Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Results of the registration to the special list of the loyalty shares of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Notice convening the extraordinary and ordinary shareholders' meeting and filing of the related documentation

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Gruppo Campari announces 2014 Full year results

    Press Release


    Publication of the updated Articles of Association and the minutes of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of January 28, 2015 of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.: loyalty shares approved by a large majority

    Press Release


    Shareholders’ meeting of 28 January 2015 (loyalty shares) Addendum to the Explanatory Report

    Press Release


    Press release 9 January 2015 - Shareholders’ meeting of 28 January 2015 (loyalty shares) - Filing of documentation

    Press Release


    Sale of the Agri-Chemicals Division in Jamaica

    Press Release


    Sale of Limoncetta di Sorrento in Italy and sale of the Federated Pharmaceutical division in Jamaica

    Press Release


    Notice convening the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting

    Press Release


    Call of Extraordinary shareholders’ meeting

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2015

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari announces 2014 first nine months results

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari announces 2014 First Half results

    Press Release


    Campari announces successful completion of the acquisitions of Forty Creek Distillery Ltd. and Fratelli Averna S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Publication of the minutes of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of April 30, 2014

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari announces 2014 First Quarter results

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Campari acquires Fratelli Averna S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Notice of Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting and filing of the related documentation

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari Group announces 2013 Full year results

    Press Release


    Campari acquires Forty Creek Distillery Ltd.

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2014

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari announces 2013 first nine months results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari brings packaging capabilities back to the Wild Turkey(r) distillery with new US$43 million facility, sparking jobs and revenue for Commonwealth of Kentucky

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari announces 2013 first half results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari announces the acquisition of Copack, a leading contract beverage packer in Australia

    Press Release


    Publication of the minutes of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of April 30, 2013

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari announces 2013 First Quarter results

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Publication of the lists of candidates for the office of statutory auditor and director

    Press Release


    Notice of ordinary shareholders' meeting and filing of the related documentation

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari announces 2012 Year Results

    Press Release


    Campari America takes on distribution of Appleton® rum brands in the US

    Press Release


    Campari announces the disposal of the Punch Barbieri brand to Distillerie Moccia

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2013

    Press Release


    Campari announces successful completion of the tender offer for Lascelles deMercado & Co. Limited

    Press Release


    Closing date of the Tender Offer of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A for 100% of Lascelles deMercado Co. Limited extended to 10 December 2012

    Press Release


    Avviso deposito resoconto intermedio di gestione (only in italian)

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari announces 2012 Nine Months results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari initiates Tender Offer for 100% of the issued shares of Lascelles deMercado

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. successfully placed € 400 million unrated bond issue on the Euro market

    Press Release


    Campari announces the acquisition of a controlling stake in Lascelles deMercado

    Press Release


    Avviso finanziario (only in italian)

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari announces 2012 first half results

    Press Release


    Reschedule of Board of Directors of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.called to approve the half-year results as of 30 June 2012

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari announces 2012 First Quarter results

    Press Release


    Ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari announces 2011 Full Year Results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari to open $40+ million bottling facility at Wild Turkey distillery

    Press Release


    2012 Financial calendar

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari announces 2011 Nine Months results

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari announces 2011 Half Year results

    Press Release


    Campari celebrates a decade of successful trading on Borsa Italiana

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari announces 2011 First Quarter results

    Press Release


    Ordinary Shareholders' meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Very positive full year 2010 results with double digit growth across all key performance indicators

    Press Release


    2011 Financial calendar

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari announces continued strong results in Q3 2010, confirming double digit growth across all performance indicators for the first nine months 2010

    Press Release


    Campari acquires Carolans, Frangelico and Irish Mist brands

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari announces 2010 Half Year results

    Press Release


    Notice of meeting of the holders of the notes Davide Campari – Milano S.p.A. “4.33% Series A Senior Notes due July 16, 2015”

    Press Release


    Notice of meeting of the holders of the notes Davide Campari – Milano S.p.A. “4.63% Series B Senior Notes due July 16, 2018”

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari announces very strong results for the first quarter of 2010 Double-digit

    Press Release


    Bonus share capital increase - Execution of AGM resolution of April 30, 2010 Notice to holders of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. shares

    Press Release


    Ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari announces solid 2009 results with strong growth across all key performance indicators Excellent generation of cash flow (free cash flow): € 184.3 million...

    Press Release


    Financial calendar 2010

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Strong overall results: net sales +7.2% and EBIT before one-offs +20.3% Positive organic growth in Q3: +2.1% Wild Turkey contributes strongly...

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. successfully placed an inaugural € 350 million unrated bond issue on the Euro market

    Press Release


    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.: bond offering

    Press Release


    Change as to the date of the Board of Directors called to approve the nine months results as of 30 September 2009

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    2009 First Half Results

    Press Release


    Information Memorandum on the acquisition of Wild Turkey

    Press Release


    Change as to the date of the Board of Directors called to approve the half-year results as of 30 June 2009

    Press Release


    Campari issues US$250 million Senior Unsecured Notes in the US Private Placement Market

    Press Release


    Campari finalises acquisition of Wild Turkey®, world’s top premium Kentucky bourbon whiskey Completes Group’s largest acquisition ever

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Gruppo Campari First Quarter 2009 Results

    Press Release


    Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-milano S.p.A.

    Press Release


    Campari acquires Wild Turkey, world's number 1 premium Kentucky bourbon whiskey

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari announces solid 2008 results

    Press Release


    Campari joins Standard & Poor's/MIB Benchmark Index

    Press Release


    Campari announces further Acquisitions in strategic emerging markets

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2009

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    2008 Nine Months results

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    2008 First Half results

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    2008 First Quarter Results

    Press Release


    Shareholders' Meeting

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    2007 Full Year Results

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2008

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Results for the first nine months to 30 september 2007

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    2007 First half results

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari Announces the Acquisition of X-Rated

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    2007 First Quarter Results / Bob Kunze-Concewitz new CEO

    Press Release


    Gruppo Campari Announces the Acquisition of a Controlling Interest of Cabo Wabo® Tequila

    Press Release


    Change as to the date of the meeting of the Board of Directors called to approve the First Quarter results as of 31 March 2007

    Press Release


    Shareholders’ meeting

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    2006 Full year results

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2007

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Results for the first nine months to 30 September 2006

    Press Release


    Campari at 100% of Skyy Spirits, LLC

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Results for the first half to 30 June 2006

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari approves first quarter results to 31 March 2006

    Press Release


    Ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    2005 Full year results

    Press Release


    Campari announces the acquisition of Glen Grant

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2006

    Press Release


    The Campari Group add Midori to ist super-premium & luxury portfolio in United States

    Press Release


    Campari announces the acquisition of Teruzzi & Puthod

    Press Release


    The Campari Group has been awarded new distribution rights for C&C's spirits brands in the US and other international markets

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari approves results for the first nine months to 30 September 2005

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari approves first-half results to 30 June 2005

    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release


    Board of Directors

    Press Release


    Change as to the date of the meeting of the Board of Directors called to approve half-year results as of 30 June 2005

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari approves first quarter results to 31 March 2005

    Press Release


    Davide Campari - Milano S.p.A: ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting

    Press Release


    Campari secures Italian distribution rights for Brown-Forman's spirit portfolio including Jack Daniel's

    Press Release


    Campari announces two new initiatives in the US ultra premium spirit segment

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    2004 full year results

    Press Release


    Campari acquires a further 30.1% stake in Skyy Spirits, LLC

    Press Release


    The Campari Group launches its new corporate website

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2005

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Results for the first nine months to 30 September 2004

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari approves half-year results as at 30 June 2004 - Growth continues in sales and at all levels of profitability

    Press Release


    Skyy launches succulent orange vodka Exotic Ingredients Set SKYY Orange Apart, Round Out Line of Flavored Vodkas

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari approves first quarter results at 31 March 2004

    Press Release


    Ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting

    Press Release


    The new Campari plant in Novi Ligure is being inaugurated today

    Press Release


    Notice convening the Shareholders' Meeting

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    2003 full year results

    Press Release


    Skyy Spirits and Miller Brewing Company to launch low-carb flavored malt beverage

    Press Release


    Campari entrusts Riccadona Sparkling Wines to recent acquisition Barbero 1891

    Press Release


    Skyy launches mouthwatering Melon Vodka

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2004

    Press Release


    Campari to join S&P/MIB index

    Press Release


    Campari announces the acquisition of Barbero 1891 S.p.A

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Results for the first nine months to 30 September 2003

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Half year results to 30 June 2003

    Press Release


    Campari announces the acquisition of the Riccadonna brand

    Press Release


    Campari announces the sale of its building in Milan, Via Turati

    Press Release


    Campari issues US$ 300 million senior notes on the US institutional market

    Press Release


    SFIRS announces the sale of 20.72% of Sella & Mosca S.P.A. to Campari Group

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari approves quarterly report as of 31 march 2003

    Press Release


    Shareholder's meeting approved unanimously 2002 accounts

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notice convening the Shareholders' Meeting

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari approves full year results to december 31, 2002

    Press Release


    Skyy Spirits to launch three new flavored vodkas

    Press Release


    Interbrew Germany enters a new cooperation with Campari Group to launch Campari Mixx in the German market

    Press Release


    Gonzales Byass and Campari form a partnership in the Spanish market

    Press Release


    Company Statement

    Press Release


    Campari to join Midex

    Press Release


    Event calendar for the year 2003

    Press Release


    Campari Group signs agreement with Unions

    Press Release


    Cinzano Five hits the Ready To Drink market

    Press Release


    Company statement

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari approves third-quarter results as of 30 September 2002

    Press Release


    Campari Mixx, Campari's new Ready To Drink

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Campari approves first half 2002 results

    Press Release


    Campari has been awarded the 1800 tequila US distribution rights

    Press Release


    Campari issues US$ 170 million senior guaranteed notes in the US private placement market

    Press Release

    First Quarter -

    Campari approves Quarterly Report as of March 31, 2002

    Press Release


    Morrison Bowmore & The Campari Group join forces in the UK Domestic Market

    Press Release


    Campari: Shareholders' Meeting approves 2001 accounts

    Press Release

    Full Year -

    Campari approves 2001 accounts

    Press Release


    Sky Vodka awarded impact's 'hot brand' award for the 7th consecutive year

    Press Release


    Campari acquires Sella & Mosca, a major player in the premium wine market

    Press Release


    Events calendar for the year 2002

    Press Release


    Sky Spirits partners with Miller Brewing to raise

    Press Release


    Campari acquires Skyy Spirits LLC, the US spirits company owner of SKYY Vodka

    Press Release

    Nine Months -

    Campari's board approves third-quarter results as of 30 September 2001

    Press Release

    Half Year -

    Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. approves the results for the six months period ended 30 June 2001

    Press Release


    Events calendar for the year 2001

    Press Release


    Campari priced at Euro 31 following highly successful IPO

    Press Release


    Campari shares start trading

    Press Release


    Prof Vincenzo Caianello joins Campari Board

    Press Release


    Davide Campari - Milano: IPO maximum price set at Euro 38

    Press Release


    Davide Campari - Milano: IPO scheduled for June 27Th

    Press Release


    Listing application approved

    Press Release


    Campari prepares for stock market listing: shareholders

    Press Release


    Campari takes over Cinzano distribution in Italy

  • Share buy back
    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


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    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


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    Press Release


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    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification Internal Dealing

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of share buyback

    Press Release


    Notification of buyback of shares

    Press Release


    Notification of buyback of shares

  • Other Regulated Information
    Press Release


    Internal dealing communication

    Press Release


    Internal dealing communication

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing communication

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing communication

    Press Release


    Communication regarding the change in share capital and voting rights

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Internal dealing communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal dealing communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Internal dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Internal dealing communication - addendum

    Press Release


    Internal dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Internal dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Comunication Internal Dealing

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing Communication

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Internal dealing Communication

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Internal dealing comunication

    Press Release


    Internal dealing comunication

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Internal Dealing comunication

    Press Release


    Internal dealing comunication

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification Internal Dealing

    Press Release


    Notification internal dealing

    Press Release


    Notification internal dealing

    Press Release


    Avviso finanziario progetti di fusione per incorporazione di Sorfinn limited e Fratelli Averna Spa in Davide Campari-Milano Spa (disponibile solo in italiano)

    Press Release


    8 May 2018 Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    8 May 2018 Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    13 April 2018 - Notification of the voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    9 April 2018 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation no. 11971/99

    Press Release



    Press Release


    Notification Internal Dealing

    Press Release


    Notification Internal Dealing

    Press Release


    7 March 2018 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation no. 11971/99

    Press Release


    7 February 2018 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    Notification Internal Dealing

    Press Release


    Comunicazione Internal Dealing (available in italian only)

    Press Release


    Comunicazione Internal Dealing (available in Italian only)

    Press Release



    Press Release


    7 December 2017 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release



    Press Release


    7 November 2017 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release



    Press Release


    6 october 2017-Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release



    Press Release



    Press Release


    7 september 2017 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    7 August 2017 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release



    Press Release


    7 July 2017 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    7 July 2017 - Notification of voting rights total amount

    Press Release


    7 June 2017 - Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    7 June 2017 - Notification total amount of voting rights

    Press Release


    8 May 2017-Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    20 April 2017 - Notification total amount of voting rights at record date

    Press Release


    Notice drawn up pursuant to article 143-quater, paragraph 5, of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99

    Press Release


    10 April 2017 - Notification total amount of voting rights